Mission Statement
Exchange, America's Premier Service Club, working to make our communities
better places to live.
Prevention of Child Abuse
Community Service
Youth Programs
Fundraisers and Volunteering to Support the
Exchange Club Family Center
Annual Golf Tournament
Sunshine Special
The National Exchange Club is the oldest service organization in the country. More than 650 local clubs throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico provide individuals with opportunities to use their time and talents to benefit their local communities and the country as a whole. Exchange’s Core Values are family, community and country.
Through the Programs of Service – Americanism, Community Service and Youth Programs – members support activities that benefit youth, promote pride in our country, and honor military and public service providers, to name a few.
Exchange’s National Project is the Prevention of Child Abuse.
Club Meetings
Two Tuesdays per month at Emmanuel United Methodist Church (2404 Kirby Rd, Memphis, TN 38119). Previous guest speakers include Mike Ritz, Former Shelby County Commissioner; Ted Sykes, President and COO of American Queen Steamboat Company; Germantown Mayor Mike Palazzolo; business owners; and many more.
$125 per quarter
Officers and Board
Vicki Fioranelli, President
Bobby Peters, President Elect
Brandon Smith, Treasurer
Michelle Shaver, Secretary
Bill McWatters, Immediate Past President
Board Members:
Benita McNeer
Bob McBride
Toni Canon
Steve Mitchener